Introducing our Matthew 25 Table Ministry
All mission collections will be collected on the Matthew 25 Table located in the Sanctuary Narthex. The naming of this table is based on Matthew 25: 40: ". . .whatever you did for the least of these. . .you did for me."
Introducing our Matthew 25 Table Ministry
All mission collections will be collected on the Matthew 25 Table located in the Sanctuary Narthex. The naming of this table is based on Matthew 25: 40: ". . .whatever you did for the least of these. . .you did for me."
Monthly Food Collection
Christ United Methodist Church participates in the Irwin Area Community Food Bank. Each month we collect particular needed food items requested by the Food Bank. Donations can be placed in the shopping cart in the Sanctuary entrance.
{Please place your donations in the shopping cart in the Sanctuary narthex}
Meals on Wheels
Christ United Methodist Church participates in the Norwin Area Meals on
Wheels program by providing cookies each month for distribution in the
prepared meals. The cookies are baked by members and friends of the
church. Please contact Peggy Regester if you would like to help with this
mission emphasis.
Family Thanksgiving Food Baskets
Christ United Methodist Church partners with the Light of Life Rescue Mission by providing food items for their Family Thanksgiving Baskets. Pittsburgh Area pastors decide how the baskets will be distributed.
Christ United Methodist Church collects food items for Traditional Christmas Meals provided by Heart and Hand House, Inc. in Philpi, West Virginia. Food items need are announced in weekly worship bulletins as well as the monthly "Mustard Seed" newsletters.
A small shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal. Be a part of changing children's lives all over the world in Jesus' Name through the power of a simple gift with Operation Christmas Child. Join the Christ Church community this coming Advent and Christmas season by preparing a shoebox and sending it to a child who will feel the love of Christ from someone who truly cares. Watch your church newsletter and misson messages for details.